A-B-G Stiffness Values. How to Research and Calculate Step by Step
A-B-G Stiffness Values
How to Research and Calculate Step by Step
by Daniel W. Vomhof III
Crush/energy analysis continues to remain an important tool for the crash investigator and reconstructionist. It provides another method of resolving a traffic crash when other preferred methods may not be available or appropriate. For anyone faced with the task of this analysis, this manual is designed to take the mystery out of one of the elements of the crush/energy analysis, which is solving for the stiffness coefficients. In response to requests from industry professionals, this manual was created to assist in accessing and using the National Highway and Safety Administration (NHTSA) Crash Test Database, and in performing the calculation of appropriate stiffness values for vehicles involved in a crash investigation. The manual is designed for the novice learning to complete the calculations for the first time as well as for a person in need of a refresher reference. Information is presented using a visual approach to assist the reader in easily finding the appropriate and necessary information for the calculations. Calculations for each vehicle surface - front, side, and rear - are presented independently to enable the reader to work through the appropriate section from start to finish.
The author, Daniel Vomhof III has been involved in vehicle accident investigation and reconstruction since 1976. Mr. Vomhof is an accident reconstructionist with Expert Witness Services, Inc., as well as the General Manager and Technical Support for 4N6XPRT Systems. In response to requests from customers, Mr. Vomhof began researching and providing calculated Stiffness values in 1997 as a service. This service was then developed into the program 4N6XPRT StifCalcs which was first sold in 2003. Mr. Vomhof is a co-author of the Expert AutoStats and Expert Qwic Calcs computer programs, and is the primary author of the 4N6XPRT StifCalcs program. Mr. Vomhof earned a BS in Engineering and obtained his Engineer-in-Training License in 1994, and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR).
Specifications: 75 pages; 8½”x11”; coil bound; Publisher: IPTM, (June 2014)