A Format for Successful Crash Reconstruction Report Writing 2nd Edition
A Format for Successful Crash Reconstruction Report Writing - 2nd Edition
by George L. Ruotolo
The “topical approach” to report writing has been adopted as the standard crash reconstruction report format for more than a quarter century and is used by many—if not most—state and local law enforcement agencies. In this updated 2nd Edition, the writing skills necessary to create this type of report are both explained and demonstrated. Sample reports that are current and relevant to today’s more complex crash investigations are also included for you to review. As the completed report becomes the document which forms the basis of any later required sworn testimony, a clearly written report will serve you well during sworn deposition or in court.
George L. Ruotolo is President of Ruotolo Consulting, Inc. As a recognized Expert Witness, author, and professional police trainer, Mr. Ruotolo has been providing traffic collision consulting and reconstruction services for more than 35 years throughout the U.S. and internationally. During that time, he reconstructed over 3,400 fatal and serious personal injury crashes, provided expert witness testimony in more than 150 trials, and offered sworn deposition testimony in approximately 300 civil and criminal cases across the U.S. in both state and federal jurisdictions. Accredited by ACTAR and the Florida Bar Association, Mr. Ruotolo provides “CLE” credit seminars to both attorneys and paralegals in the field of crash reconstruction. During his career with New York State and IPTM, he developed curricula and trained thousands of law enforcement officers and administrators around the globe on topics such as traffic crash investigation/reconstruction; DUI/DWI, including breath test certification; RADAR certification; police executive management training; police policy and procedure; and police instructor certification. Through the University of North Florida—IPTM, Law and Order Magazine, and the Law Enforcement Executive Forum, Mr. Ruotolo authored and published numerous textbooks, booklets, and articles on topics pertaining to linear perimeter measurement, interpreting vehicle damage, courtroom testimony, report writing, and police pursuit policy, to name a few. Several of these are available via Videos on Demand through IPTM’s online training system. He also co-authored the 1st and 2nd editions of Advanced Traffic Crash Analysis and Conservation of Linear Momentum 360-Degree Method with Neil F. Robar.
Specifications: 41 pages; 8½”x11”; coil bound; Publisher: IPTM (September 2020)