Formula Workbook for Traffic Crash Investigation and Reconstruction - 2nd Edition
Formula Workbook for
Traffic Crash Investigation and Reconstruction
2nd Edition - Revised and Expanded
by Gary L. Stephens
This manual is the most current and comprehensive formula workbook for crash investigators and reconstructionists. With more than 100 formulas, from the very basic—minimum speed, slide to stop, and drag factor—to the more complex—vector sum analysis, crush, and brake force, this workbook will help you practice your math skills and facilitate keeping those skills honed. It will also provide the novice with easily understood formulas and concepts for practical application in the field.
The formulas are presented with step-by-step examples, followed by practical problems and critical thinking exercises to be worked and solved. Answers are included in the back of the book so that you can verify your work.
About the Author:
Gary L. Stephens served as a certified law enforcement officer and traffic crash reconstructionist in Oklahoma from 1972 to 1983. While there, he instructed at the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety (ODPS) and Oklahoma State University in traffic crash investigation, DWI enforcement, selective traffic enforcement, and other areas of traffic safety. In 1984, he joined IPTM's full-time staff, instructing investigation and reconstruction courses. Following his retirement in 1993, he continues to instruct as an adjunct faculty member. In 1972, Gary established Stephens & Associates, providing expert witness testimony, in both civil and criminal proceedings; and crash reconstruction services to law enforcement agencies and attorneys. He continues to provide these services on a full-time basis. He is a charter member of the Society of Accident Reconstructionists and previously served on their executive board. He is also a member of the Midwest Association of Technical Accident Investigators and the Society of Automotive Engineers. In 1997, Gary became a certified crash reconstructionist through the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstructionists (ACTAR).
314 pages; 8½”x11”; coil bound; Publisher: IPTM, 2nd Edition, 1st Printing (May 2019)
ISBN 978-1-934807-23-1