Fundamentals of Statistics for Traffic Crash Reconstruction
Fundamentals of Statistics for Traffic Crash Reconstruction
About the Authors:
Andrew Rich is a principal for Rich Consulting LLC, which is based in Fairlawn, Ohio. Rich Consulting provides traffic crash reconstruction consulting services for the legal community and training for the traffic crash reconstruction community. Mr. Rich retired after a twenty-five year career in law enforcement, the last fourteen of which were spent as a detective for the Bergen County (NJ) Prosecutor’s Office in the Fatal Accident Investigation Unit. Mr. Rich holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and is accredited in crash reconstruction by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Crash Reconstruction (ACTAR). Mr. Rich has published many peer-reviewed papers and a book about various topics in traffic crash reconstruction. Mr. Rich is an adjunct instructor for the Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM), at the University of North Florida, for whom he teaches Applied Physics, Accident Reconstruction Update, Event Data Recorder for Traffic Crash Reconstruction, Advanced Event Data Recorder, GPS Forensic Investigations and Energy Methods and Damage Analysis. He is also a contracted test engineer for the University of Tulsa Crash Reconstruction Research Consortium for whom he assists with full-scale crash testing. He has experience testifying as an expert in municipal and superior court in the subjects of crash reconstruction, taking measurements, mechanical engineering and the effects of weather on roadway moisture. Mr. Rich lectures regularly at various traffic crash reconstruction conferences throughout the year.
Michelle Fish-Rich currently serves as a Trooper with the Ohio State Highway Patrol and is a principal of Rich Consulting LLC, which is based in Fairlawn, Ohio. Mrs. Fish-Rich holds degrees in Criminal Justice and Biology and has completed over 800 hours of crash reconstruction training including Applied Physics, Energy Methods and Damage Analysis and Event Data Recorder for Traffic Crash Reconstruction. Mrs. Fish-Rich is currently attending the University of Akron (Ohio) where she is completing the requirements for a degree in mechanical engineering.
Specifications: 263 pages; 8½”x11”; coil bound; Publisher: IPTM (May 2014)