Motorcycle Crash Investigation 3rd Edition
Motorcycle Crash Investigation
by Albert T. Baxter
Any crash involving a motorcycle adds a unique dimension to the investigation. Investigators and reconstructionists must understand the complexity of a motorcycle in order to determine the cause of the crash.
Motorcycle Crash Investigation, updated in 2017, provides information on the latest technology, such as ABS braking systems, suspension and steering components, and safety equipment. The investigator/reconstructionist will find comprehensive coverage of current investigative tools and techniques in evidence collection and presentation, formulas, state motorcycle laws, manufacturer specifications and test data – everything needed to conduct a thorough and complete investigation.
IPTM’s Motorcycle Crash Investigation, authored by Albert T. Baxter, will assist you in this area of crash investigation. In addition to serving as a reference source for information relevant to motorcycle crashes, the manual is a comprehensive storehouse of information concerning nearly every aspect of the motorcycle, including its involvement in collisions, what the investigating officer needs to look for in the investigation, the formulas to be used in the calculations, and the proper techniques to use to examine the motorcycle and analyze the
crash scene data.
Mr. Baxter explores the various types of motorcycles and their operation. He also discusses helmets and related safety equipment as well as state laws relating to the operation and use of a motorcycle.
Motorcycle Crash Investigation includes the following chapters:
- Introduction to Motorcycles
- Types and Operation of Motorcycles
- Crash Scene Data
- Helmets and Other Equipment
- Motorcycle Dynamics
In addition, the author provides the following appendices:
- Hurt Motorcycle Study
- State Motorcycle Laws
- Motorcycle, Helmet, and Tire Manufacturer Information
- Glossary
- Motorcycle Specifications
The manual also includes numerous photographs, diagrams and charts that have been reproduced with great clarity.
Specifications: 357 pages; 8-1/2”x11”; coil bound; Publisher: IPTM (March 2017)
ISBN 978-1-934807-18-7