Patrol FTO Program Standardized Evaluation Guidelines
Popularly known by FTOs as the “Little Blue Book,” this 3.5”x4.5” document contains all 30 of the Standardized Evaluation Guidelines (S.E.G.s) used to evaluate a trainee. Each guideline corresponds to a D.O.R. evaluation category and includes a description of what constitutes unacceptable, acceptable or superior levels of trainee performance.
The book was designed to fit in your uniform pocket, so it can be referenced quickly. In addition, several pages have been left blank, allowing you to make notations directly in the book.
Over the years, every officer who attended IPTM’s Managing the Patrol FTO Program and Field Training Officer courses received one copy of this book. Now, you may purchase as many copies as you need.
Specifications: 24 pages; 3.5"x4.5"; saddle-stitched