A Practical Guide for the Investigation and Recon of Pedestrian and Bicycle Collisions

  • $ 55.00

A Practical Guide for the Investigation and Reconstruction of Pedestrian and Bicycle Collisions

by Ken Harmon


This book is the newest addition to IPTM's library. It brings together 29 years of law enforcement experience in investigating pedestrian and bicycle crashes, along with 30 years of research, crash testing, and educational efforts focused on these incidents.

One of the most crucial aspects of investigating and analyzing a pedestrian crash is determining the pedestrian's location at the time of impact. This text will examine various methods for estimating the Area of Impact, drawing on years of testing and documenting debris patterns and their relation to the known Point of Impact in simulated pedestrian crashes.

It covers the following key components in pedestrian and/or bicycle crash investigations and analyses:

  • Pedestrian collision prevention
  • Pedestrian and bicycle crash scene management
  • Vehicle documentation and injury analysis’ 
  • Pedestrian Kinematics
  • A deep dive into John Searles equations
  • How to handle a pedestrian or pedal cyclist hit-and-run
  • Human factors, including how we see during daytime and nighttime environments
  • Bicycle-specific dynamics including bicycle side impacts and their projection efficiency
  • A summary of the Severy and Brinks pedestrian crash study
  • An extensive study of nighttime visibility testing

Ken Harmon is a retired Police Sergeant from the Tempe (AZ) Police Department. He was a Motor Officer assigned to the Traffic Bureau for half of his career, where he investigated and reconstructed serious injury, City liability, and fatal traffic collisions in the Vehicular Crimes Unit.

Specifications: 162 pages; 8½”x11”; Perfect Bound; Publisher: IPTM (2024)

ISBN 9781934807323


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