An Introduction to the Investigation of Automobile Collisions with Wooden Utility Poles and Trees
An Introduction to
The Investigation of Automobile Collisions
with Wooden Utility Poles and Trees
by Joseph N. Cofone
Greatly expanded, this edition of Mr. Cofone’s manual delves into what is probably the most common of all fixed object collisions - automobile crashes with wooden utility poles and trees. And while the primary emphasis is on reconstructing cases involving the frontal impacts of passenger cars, the methods can often be applied to collisions involving other light vehicles, such as SUVs and pick-up trucks.
Mr. Cofone begins by explaining how to get crucial information regarding utility poles, such as the type of wood, how it was preserved and treated, when it was set in place, and what type of equipment is located on it. From there, he addresses ways to inspect the crashed vehicle and what measurements you will need to take. He works his way through methods for conducting a successful investigation as he provides equations that can help you determine a reasonable estimate of the vehicle’s speed at impact.
Numerous diagrams, charts and examples are included to address the more commonly encountered vehicle-to-utility pole or vehicle-to-tree crash scenarios. In addition, the author includes four appendices and a listing of reference materials.
This manual includes the following chapters:
- Information About and From Utility Poles
- Vehicle Collision Dynamics
- Measuring Vehicle Crush
- Measuring Various Damage Patterns
- Collision Speed Estimates
- ForcForce, Work, and Energy in Moving Pole
- Break Fracture Energy
- Method Performance and Statistical Analysis
- Lateral Pole Impacts
- Estimating Post-impact Translational and Rotational Energy
- Full Scale Crash Testing
- Conclusions
Joseph N. Cofone is a retired lieutenant with the Fatal Accident Investigation Unit at the Bergen County New Jersey Prosecutor’s Office. He has received awards in police traffic safety and crash investigation and reconstruction and is a founding member of the New Jersey Association of Accident Reconstructionists, where he continues in the capacity of board member.
Specifications: 147 pages; 8½”x11”; coil bound; Publisher: IPTM, 2nd Edition (January 2013)