blueBlitz Traffic Template - METRIC Scale
BlueBlitz Traffic Template - METRIC Scale
designed by R.W. Rivers
Designed for use by law enforcement officers, the blueBlitz Traffic Template is also ideally suited for use by traffic engineers, attorneys, insurance claims adjustors and all persons concerned with traffic crash investigation and scale plan drawing. This template contains symbols most frequently required for traffic crash diagrams including motorcycles, pedestrians, automobiles and commercial vehicles. It can fit easily in a standard 3-ring binder, and is also available in US scales. To purchase the US scale template, see it's separate listing.
Metric Scale Template:
- Template is prepared in 1 cm = 1 m and 1 cm = 2 m scales
- Radii can be drawn in increments from 0.1 - 25 m on the 1 cm = 1m scale or in 0.2 - 50 m increments on the 1 cm = 2 m scale
- Motorcycles - side and top view
- Pedestrians - front/rear view and top view facing forward
- Automobiles - various sizes
- Commercial vehicles - trucks, tractors and trailers
- Circles and arcs of various radii
- Animals
- All vehicle cutouts are cross-referenced to corresponding wheel sizes
Special features:
- Material is both pliable and damage-resistant
- Non-reflective blue color gives markings high visibility
- Clearly illustrated instruction booklet makes use simple
- Speed nomograph with easy-to-read numbers
- Clinometer for use on grades up to ±25%
- Protractor
This template was designed by Inspector R.W. Rivers, who retired in 1985 as Officer-in-Charge of the Traffic Branch in the Province of British Columbia after serving 32 years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.