Derivations Manual for Formulas Used in Traffic Accident Investigation and Reconstruction
Derivations Manual for Formulas Used
in Traffic Accident Investigation and Reconstruction
by Wiley L. Howell
This manual was written to help police crash investigators and reconstructionists understand the derivation of the formulas used in traffic crash investigation and reconstruction. All common variations of the ways a formula may be written are included in the manual.
The manual is divided into two sections. The first is a short review for those needing a refresher course in basic math. The operations (including those involving algebra and trigonometry) required in deriving the formulas are explained in detail.
The second section is devoted to formula derivations. Each operation required in the derivation of each formula has been shown in a separate step. (Occasionally a simple and obvious operation has been combined with one other operation.) Where appropriate, the principle(s) of physics on which the formula is based is explained.
These explanations make it possible for the derivations to be followed and understood by persons who do not have a background in physics and engineering, or even extensive knowledge of mathematics. The manual will also be of value to private investigators, trial attorneys and insurance adjusters.
Wiley Howell is a 24-year veteran of the Tampa (Florida) Police Department. After retirement, Mr. Howell established his own reconstruction business while teaching traffic crash courses at IPTM. He has been ruled an expert in both criminal and civil courts over several thousand times throughout his career as a police officer and in private enterprise.
Specifications: 182 pages; 8½”x11”; GBC bound; Publisher: IPTM (October 1994)